June 9 , 2007, Tokyo
A recital to commemorate Christopher Yohmei's 35 years in Japan studying shakuhachi: 'Shakuhachi exTemporal': Exploring improvisation in comtemporary and traditional shakuhachi music
Christopher Yohmei: Shakuhachi ; Sukeyasu Shiba: Ryuteki; Mika Kimula: Voice; Yutaka Mikoya: Koto; Hideo Arai: Dance; Koji Ohno: Sculpture
Date & Time: June 9 (Sat), 6:30 PM.
Place: : Tsuda Hall (03-3402-1851). Right in front of JR, Sobu Line Sendagaya Station or subway, Oedo Line Kokuritsu Kyogijo
Admission: 4000 yen (advance sale) 4500 yen (at the door)
For information or reservations, please contact: Aura-J Office
Tel: 03-3749-3741, Fax: 03-3749-3719, Mail: info@ora-j.com
Part I: Sokoku Butai--Shakuhachi, voice and dance brings to life the impeccable sculpture of Koji Ohno.
Part II: The classics reborn in the spirit of improvisation.
Tsuki no Kyoku (Kinko style honkyoku)
Sarashi (Jiuta Sokyoku)
Night of the Garuda (contemporary duet for shakuhachi and ryuteki)