Sunday, 12 February 2006

Australian Shakuhachi Festival

Australian Shakuhachi Festival Canberra at ANU 10-13 February, 2006. The start of my shakuhachi learning experience. Teachers included Bronwyn Kirkpatrick, Riley Lee, Matama, Furuya, Kakizakai, Andrew MacGregor (Melb), Stuart Ransom (Qld) ... 3 main days of lessons, group classes, in my case the absolute beginners just making a noise, learning basic first octave fingering and concepts of meri and kari head position pitch shifting.

Bought Kurita 1.8

Today I bought the beautiful smoked Kurita 1.8 shakuhachi, beginning of my journey and affection/attachment [oops] to shakuhachi [at the Australian Shakuhachi Festival '06 in Canberra]